What I loved about March collage

March may have ended with our house existence over run by sniffy, snotty, germ-y fun,

simply here are a few of the brighter spots from before in the calendar month.

Books: Game of Thrones

A song of Fire and Ice book #2 A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin

There were and then many projects going on this month that I had trivial fourth dimension leftover for reading. However, I did manage to finish Game of Thrones and starting time A Clash of Kings just in time for the 2d season of GoT to arrive in the mail from Netflix. The get-go book ended upwardly being near word for word from the start season that we watched last year, but the 2nd book and flavour are starting out differently. I've enjoyed both the books and the testify equally and then far, but who knows which will prove to be more appealing in the terminate.

I seriously love the cast of the show!

You can cheque out some of my other favorite books on Goodreads.

Goggle box & Movies: Vikings

Picture of Ragnar's family in the history channel show Vikings

What can I say? I but can't get enough of scruffy men with bad attitudes.

Website:Wowbrary Logo

I'thousand a big reader, and when i of our librarians told me nigh this site a few weeks ago I was instantly smitten. You blazon in your zipcode and select your local library. And then you tin can choose to receive weekly east-mails or follow an RSS feed about what new books accept been ordered by your library. Anything that sparks your interest can be put on hold right away, and you'll exist the showtime to receive the make new copy when information technology arrives. And so awesome!

Food: Easter Processed

A pile of Easter candy

I'm not gonna lie. My children volition not be eating fifty-fifty a tenth of this candy. The jellybeans and cadbury'south are for Ant,

and we'll both fight over the peanut butter eggs, only those smarties, sweet tarts, and crunch eggs are pretty much off limits…

even if it takes me til Halloween to cease them!

Kids: Baby Gates

Baby standing at a baby gate

Past the time we moved to this flat Reli was pretty much trained in the "yous tin and tin't touch" department. But now that Corbin has started getting into everything we've had to devise some major fortifications involving this gate, this gate, and this fence. Yous tin't cross the house without climbing over at least ii to them, simply I don't find little fingers destroying my projects anymore…usually.

Adults: Photograph Lamps

table top lighting for photos

I've mentioned before that our apartment is practically a cave. Our kitchen and dining room are windowless, with an bordering living room that has a single tall thin window and a door onto the patio…underneath the upstairs balcony…facing North. Trying to take decent looking pictures inside was next to impossible until Ant got me these table top daylight lamps. They are compact enough to be left out on my desk-bound and have improved my indoor shots about a m%. I guess now you know my secret.

But for Fun: Cute Trims

Cards full of ribbon and lace trims

I just couldn't resist the measuring tape trim and speckled ric rac that I found in the Michael'southward dollar bins!

At present, do y'all recall I'll ever actually apply them, or will they just sit around and look pretty?

What did you lot love about March?

I know a few of you who are hoarding the chocolate too!

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