Microsoft Word Losing Bullet Points When Uploading Documents

In this guide, we will explore all the various means for y'all to convert Give-and-take documents to HTML. We are the experts at converting Microsoft Word documents to HTML with over twenty years of experience. We have several tools to aid you lot convert your documents to make clean web pages:

  1. Word To HTML – our Web App great for quick clean-ups (paste content and process), upload Give-and-take documents and catechumen it to HTML etc
  2. Doc Converter Pro Desktop – the perfect choice for batch converting on Windows Desktop
  3. Doc Converter Pro Web App – the best choice if yous need to majority catechumen and process documents online
  4. Physician Converter Pro API – for programmers looking to add certificate conversion to their Apps

Using MS Words built-in relieve as HTML pick

If y'all have MS Give-and-take installed you tin can utilise the congenital-in save to HTML selection. All you demand to is:

  • Go to the file menu
  • Select Save as
  • In the drop-downwards file type box select, Web Page, Filtered
  • Click Salve

Easy eh? Non so fast there are two meaning problems with using Give-and-take to save your HTML, the file sizes are large and the quality of the HTML is not very good.

Large file sizes when using MS Word to convert documents to HTML

If you create a elementary exam document like the one shown below, then salvage it to HTML you will encounter that the resulting web page has more than 100 lines of code.

If we use Upload file and convert the same file with one of our tools like you volition go around 40 lines of code when full page mode is enabled, , that is less than a half of the size of the Word version.  If you lot copy and paste content from MS Word certificate into Visual Editor you will get even 19 lines of code, that is less than one fourth of the size of the Word version. You can try this experiment yourself or view our exam files:

    • MS Word test file
    • exam file converted with MS Discussion
    • examination file converted with converter via Upload and catechumen certificate
    • test file converted with via paste into Visual Editor and go along formatting

This case is for a elementary document, for circuitous files the file size divergence can exist fifty-fifty larger.

Why does information technology matter if my HTML code is big?

Apart from applied problems similar server space web pages with lots of code that longer to download. Google penalises sites with tiresome download times, and more than importantly, users are impatient. According to enquiry nearly half of web users await a site to load in ii seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a site that has non loaded within 3 seconds.  In the modernistic internet, speed is the near of import cistron.

Discussion generates messy non-standard HTML when converting from Word to HTML

The other big issue with using Discussion is information technology creates overly complex not-standard HTML. Now to be fair to Microsoft, I imagine that main reason they do this is to try to keep the layout of your files every bit like as possible, merely it does create bug. In our example file if we expect at how Word handles the listing items, this is the lawmaking it generates:

<p class=MsoListParagraphCxSpFirst manner='text-indent:-18.0pt'><bridge style='font-family unit:Symbol'>�<span fashion='font:seven.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </bridge></bridge>Apples</p>

A lot of lawmaking but to the display the word apple on a list. You lot will too find that Word does not use the standard HTML Li and ul list tags. It uses CSS to format the lists, if you strip out this CSS the list becomes normal text. In comparison, this is the code generated with when you lot upload document and convert it.

<li style="margin-left:28.06pt; padding-left:7.94pt; font-family unit:serif;"><span style="font-family:Calibri;">Apples</span></li>

If you just paste content from MS Give-and-take test file into Visual Editor and cull to keep formatting you will exist left with this very clean code:


And so you can see if you want the cleanest HTML possible y'all need to use a proper tool like to convert your Discussion files to HTML.

What is the best way to convert Give-and-take to HTML?

Hither are our recommendations based on your diverse needs.

I want an online tool that will quickly catechumen my text or single documents to make clean HTML:

Our online tool lets you lot paste your text into the Visual Editor and your text gets converted to HTML instantly. It is super piece of cake to use and free for basic features.

For users who need more than, our Pro version is only $10 a month and gives you the power to upload Give-and-take (DOCX/Medico), PDF and other file types and have them converted to HTML. You also take the ability to salve your files, create conversion templates and more cleanup features. You can try the Pro version for free.

Try our WordToHTML.cyberspace converter tool.

I demand a Windows awarding to convert lots of Discussion or PDF files to HTML:

We take a Windows desktop product chosen Doc Converter Pro. Information technology is the easy fashion for you to convert your Word, PDF and other files formats to HTML. You can convert i file or batch convert hundreds of files in one go. You can besides create your own custom templates to give y'all total command over your conversions.

The advantage of a desktop application is information technology will be faster if you are converting lots of files also it is a good option if your files are private every bit aught will leave your system.

Detect out more orDownload your complimentary trial for Windows…

I need a web app to batch convert my Give-and-take documents to HTML:

Our spider web app version of Physician Converter Pro Online gives you all the great features of our desktop version, but every bit it is web-based, you can work from whatever computer and any browser. You can also share accounts with your team.

How does Doc Converter Pro Web App differ from Doc Converter Pro is designed for batch converting lots of documents whereas is ameliorate for cleaning upwardly pasted text or converting single documents.

Check out the free trial of our web app…

I am a programmer who needs an API solution to convert our Give-and-take files to HTML:

No problem. Nosotros take a Spider web API version of Doc Converter Pro Online. With a few lines of code, we take all the hard work out of converting your documents. Attempt our free trial hither…

Nosotros are here to help…

If you need more than advice, feel gratuitous to contact u.s.a. someday. We tin can advise yous on the best strategy for your needs.


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